My friend Emily painted this for me on my 30th birthday. It is a Lone Cypress and grows on cliffs along the California coast. The ocean wind slowly causes the tree trunks to spiral. In order to hang onto the cliff, the roots have to drive deep into the earth.
Over the years, my friends have slowly decorated the walls of my house with their love and talent. Here is a tour of some of my favorite pieces from my living room.
“Out beyond ideas of right-doing and wrong-doing, there is field, I will meet you there “ - Rumi. I commissioned Frank Gallimore to paint something for me based on this poem.
My friend Michael Eubanks is a soulful Songwriter. We partnered on this project and I choreographed a dance that we performed together.
My friend and I have matching wall paper. It’s the grown up version of best friend necklaces.
Max & Charlie — They are the best of friends.